
The Sugar industry deals with extremely abrasive fluids, which means utilizing sealing products with high mechanical resistance. Teadit develops and supplies gaskets that meet the particularities of the sector, also aiming at reducing water consumption, another important demand in this sector. Teadit products stand out as the best solution for processes with clean fluids.

TEADIT products recommended for this market are:
– TEADIT Packing Style 2773*
– TEADIT Packing Style 2774*
– Tealon™ TF1570, TF1580 and TF1590*

*Please click on the image to the right to access the product.

See also

Biodiesel Chemical Citrus processing Ethanol FDA General Industrial Equipment Marine Mining NSF-61 Petrochemical Power generation Pulp and paper Refining Steel Upstream/Midstream Vegetable Oils Water and Waste Water